How do I start a live stream?
Live stream enables creators to create a post that contains a video stream and chat that occurs in real-time so supporters can watch and chat with the creator and other supporters in the community, usually centered around a topic or purpose, i.e. a Q & A session with the creator. Click the title to go directly to the corresponding section, or keep scrolling toSome readersWhat is Content+?
What is Content+ Content+ is a new type of video post (other media may be added in the future) that will allow creators to monetize a specific piece of content such as higher end productions (full movies) or other paid classes for members who otherwise may not be interested in the community aspect of Locals and are only looking to consume a particular piece of content. It will not be available for normal supporters who are on a monthly plan (or 1-time supports of 1, 3, and 6 months).Few readersHow do I start a live chat?
Live chat enables creators to create a post that contains a chat that occurs in real-time so supporters can chat with the creator and other supporters in the community, usually centered around a topic or purpose, i.e. a Q & A session with the creator. How to start a live chat First Way The first way to start a live chat is if you want to give a heads up to your supporters so you make the post first and then start it afterwards. Create a normal post Post (https://storage.crisp.chaFew readersHow to use RTMP for live streams
Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) allows creators to use external live stream tools (ex: StreamYard, OBS, etc) to manage their stream while it's live for a more engaging experience while broadcasting it to different platforms such as Locals. You may only start a stream using RTMP from the community website. Recommended RTMP Settings Click here to see the recommended settings.Few readersHow can I publish an Article?
An article is a new type of post creators and their teams can create in their community. Articles are formatted optimally for long form text editing and viewing. If the feature is enabled in your community, the option to create an article will be in the Write a Post area on your community website. Create an Article This will lead you to the Articles editor Editor (https://stoFew readersHow do I start a live stream on the Locals app?
Live stream enables creators to create a post that contains a video stream and chat that occurs in real-time so supporters can watch and chat with the creator and other supporters in the community, usually centered around a topic or purpose, i.e. a Q & A session with the creator. How to create a live stream post on the app Launch the app and go to your community page. Tap the "+" symbol and select the "Live Stream" button. Tap the + (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/eFew readersHow do I create events on Locals?
As a creator of a community, you can create events for your community. These events can be anything from online to meet ups including events that have ticket purchases. Create an Event To add an event, you should have the Upcoming Events widget added. If you don't already have this, you can find it by clicking on the Manage Widget button on the left side of your community on desktop Manage WidgetsFew readersHow do I upload a banner to promote on my community?
Locals allows creators to promote things from their end on their community website. You can add a banner that can direct members to an external link. This can be useful if you have other works you want to promote such as an online store or you can even use it to promote other Locals communities. Where is this banner shown? The banner will be shown on the right side of the community website. BannerFew readersHow to manage Live Stream/Chat Tips
When a creator starts a live stream or chat, supporters have the option to send a tip with the message they send in the chat. This message will be highlighted so that it's easier to see for everyone in the chat. To see how one can leave a tip in a live stream/chat, click here. Creators can also sort the messages in the live chat by Tippers only so it makes it easier to answer the tipped messages while hosting a live stream or chaFew readersHow to set up a pre-live video for Live Stream?
What is a pre-live video for live stream? Creators can upload a default video to be shown to users in a scheduled live stream before the live stream officially goes live. Since users are able to enter a scheduled live stream ahead of time to chat, you can upload a video which will play on loop to be shown there while users chat. It can have some generic music or just visuals that will play in the background. It will be visible to everyone who joins the scheduled lives stream ahead of time,Few readersWhat is a content landing page?
Content landing page is where you can display all of your free content to people who are not logged in. it's a great way to showcase what you post in your community for people who may be interested in joining but want a preview of what is uploaded first in order to make sure it aligns with their interest. Example of Content LP You may also choose to show your content landing page as the default landing pagFew readersHow do I set goals for my community?
Goals can bring a community together and allow everyone to contribute to a set target. As a creator, you can set a visible goal for your community on either reaching a certain amount of new supports or members. How to set a community goal Go to your creator admin panel Go to the Settings tab Go to the Community goal section Goals setting Enable Goals Select your Goal Type New SupportsFew readersWhat is the Watch page and how do I set one up?
The Watch page is a new menu item you can enable on your community sites (communityname.locals.com) where users can see a more visually curated video page. You can choose a feature video, highlight some Shows (which are your playlists) and show a couple of recent videos that lead users to the more complete Content library. Watch Page How to enable this feature Login to your community website GFew readers
Creating a Community
Creating a Locals Account
Creating a Locals account will allow you to explore all Locals communities and support creators. You can also create your own community once you have a Locals account. Go to Locals.com and go to the Sign Up page. Sign Up On the Sign Up page: Enter your email address Enter a password for your Locals account Agree to the Terms of Service Once you've submitFew readersCreating Your Community
Follow the steps below to create your community. Make sure you've created a Locals account prior to this. Select the create a community option (find this on the left side bar or in the username drop-down) Dropdown Start the Community Creation Process Step 1 - Choose a community name (this will be the url of your community as well) Community nameFew readersLaunching Your Community
Once you've created your Locals Community , there are a couple of things we suggest you do before officially launching your community. You'll find this checklist once you're in the Creator Admin Panel inside your community Checklist (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/e9529c61f3bf4000/Few readers
Posting 101
How do I upload videos, podcasts, photos?
Creators and supporters are able to upload media to the community through their posts. Media includes photos, videos, audio and PDF files (only Creators can upload PDFs). In order to upload these files: Click on the WritePopularHow do I share posts from Locals communities?
Although Locals communities are private and usually require a user to sign up to Locals before gaining access to seeing everything in a community, you can share posts with people who are not a part of the community and allow them to preview some of the content being posted within the community. How do I share something? FSome readersWhat are the settings I have for publishing a post?
For each post, you have different settings available to you as a creator. Publication Settings Only for Subscribers - toggle this on if you want the post to only be visible to active subscribers Allow Post Tipping - this toggle is only available if tipping is enabled on the community as a whole. Once enabled, youFew readersHow do I schedule posts?
If you have content lined up that you want to upload and post at a later date, you can choose to schedule them instead of posting them immediately. How to Schedule? Start posting something like you normally would If you want to schedule this post, make sure you toggle on "Schedule post" in the publication settings before submitting ScheduFew readersHow do I create a poll?
Creators and supporters can create polls in the community. This feature is currently only available on the web. To do this: Log into your community Click to Share something with the community In the Upload Photo/Video drop-down, select Add Poll Add Poll The question you want to pose for the poll should be written in the post area Type all possible answers in the Poll Options Click Add OpFew readersHow do I edit or delete a post?
Community creators, moderators, and the original poster of a post has the ability to Edit and Delete posts from the community. To do this, find the 3 dots in the upper right corner of a post and click on it. Post Settings Select the Edit or Delete option in the drop-down menu. Settings Menu If a post has been deleted,Few readers
What is an intro post and how do I create one?
An intro post is a post that you want new members of your community to see at the top of the newsfeed when they log in for the first time. How to create an intro post? Creating an intro post is like posting any other post in your community. Make sure you are not posting for supporters only as you want this message to be seen by all members who join your community. How do IPopularHow can I customize my landing page?
Your landing page is what users will see when they load your community URL on their web browser when they are not logged in. All landing pages follow a specific template but you will be able to change different elements on the page to fit your branding and theme. How to edit your landing page Log into your Locals communSome readersHow do I download my content and live streams?
As a creator, the content that you upload to your community is yours. You always have the option to download anything you uploaded yourself whether it's your videos or podcasts.Few readersCan I change my community name?
You can change the name of your community as it appears around the site like your About Section. About Section How to change it Log into your Locals community Go to the Community Admin panel (located under your username menu) Go to Settings on the left side menu Enter the new name in the Community Name field Click Save changesFew readersHow do I improve the chances of a member finding my community through Locals Discover?
Aside from sharing your community to your member-base on other forms of social media, people can also find your community through searching for it on Locals Discover. By default the Discover search allows people to search via your community name, community url or your nickname. For example, Community url = abc.locals.com Community name = Awesome Bunch of Cats Owner nickname = Kitty Searching for abc, Awesome Bunch of Cats, Awesome, Bunch, Cats, and Kitty wouldFew readersWhat are content playlists?
If you want to organize the items in your content library, you can do so with Content Playlists. Playlists will allow you to curate sets of videos, podcasts, PDFs and articles so your supporters can consume them in a more serialized way. Create a Playlist The first step is to create a playlist. The easiest way is to go to the Content section and select "Playlists" from the drop down menu on the right. You will see an "Add Playlist" optFew readersWhat is a Content/Media Library?
The content library is a collection of all videos, podcasts (audio), PDFs and articles that you or your team has uploaded onto your community. Only supporters will receive access to this section. This will give supporters an easier way to find and consume all media in one place instead of digging through your posts to find them. You can also create playlists to organize the videos/podcasts/PDFs/articles in your content section. Where canFew readersHow to filter your support forward emails
You have the option to filter the emails forwarded to you by Locals Support. To find this setting, go to your Admin Settings Settings Scroll down until you see the "Support Email" and just under where you enter your Support Forward Email, is the Support Email Filter option. Choose whether or not you want to receive all emails that are forwarded to your email from our support team, or only receive support emails from Supporters. Save Changes Support Forward Email Filter SettiFew readers