How Much Does Locals Charge?
Locals Platform Fee Locals charges a 10% platform fee per all subscription, one time transactions (not including Content+), and tips. Locals charges a 20% platform fee per all one time Content+ transactions. Credit Card Transaction Fees for US Based Creators Locals uses Stripe and other Credit Card Processors for Credit Card processing for subscription and one time credit card payments. Stripe charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. Our other payment processors charge a similar rate.PopularHow do I set up my Stripe account to get paid on Locals?
What is Stripe? Stripe is a technology company that securely processes online payments for internet businesses. Creators are paid through their Stripe account whenever a supporter of the community subscribes. You can either create a Stripe account (or already have one) prior to connecting it to Locals or you can start the process through Locals. Creating a Stripe account This process can take around 10-15 minutes Go to sign up on Stripe (httPopularWhat are tiers and what does upgrading my community plan entail?
What are tiers? Tiers are levels of feature access and usage your community enjoys on the Locals platform. Because Locals does not rely on advertisements or selling user data, tiers are a way for Locals to offer levels of feature access according to community supporter numbers. How many tiers are there? There are three tiers assigned by your communities supporter numbers: Basic Starter Pro How do I know what tier I am on? You can see your tier by going to the Community Tier mPopularHow do coins work on the Locals app?
What are Locals coins and what are they used for? Locals coins are used as a type of currency on the Locals platform. Members can purchase coins equivalent to 3,6 or 12 month's worth of support and then give the coins to creators as a form of payment. Coins are there to allow members to support from the app and also allow for easier micro-transactions such as tipping.PopularDoes it cost anything to create and keep a Locals community?
There is no cost to setting up a Locals community, anyone with a Locals account can create a community. Please note you can only create 1 community per account. If you want to have more than 1 community, you must create it under a different user account. Locals will only charge a fee once you start earning money from your subscriptions. You can read about it here.Some readersHow do I provide a refund to a supporter?
This is for members who subscribe directly through the web only with credit card as this is connected directly with the Creator's Stripe account. Since all supporters pay to your own Stripe account directly, Locals does not manage a creator's billing administration. In the case that a supporter asks for a refund and you choose to grant it, you will need to perform this action on your Stripe dashboard externally.Few readersHow do I redeem coins?
As of Oct 1, 2023, creators, admins, and team members will no longer need to transfer tips and are the only users who can receive tips in the community. All tips will get paid out automatically each month with other coins earned from in-app purchases. You can see coins earned in the community and your upcoming payout under Admin Settings Coin Payments (this will update in real time). If you have any questions about your payout, you can email P.S. If you are in multiple cFew readersHow do I handle a dispute initiated from a supporter from Stripe?
What is a dispute? A dispute (also known as a chargeback) occurs when a cardholder questions your payment with their card issuer. To process a chargeback, the issuer creates a formal dispute on the card network, which immediately reverses the payment, pulling the money for the payment—as well as one or more network dispute fees—from Stripe. After that, Stripe debits your balance for the payment amount and dispute fee. To help you submit the best possible response for each dispute, StripeFew readersHow do I send a receipt to a supporter on Stripe?
If a supporter has requested an invoice/receipt of their subscription charge, you can send them a receipt per charge on your Stripe account. How to send a receipt from your Stripe Dashboard Log into your Stripe account from Find the payment in question in the payments overview page (can usually by found by just search up the users' email address) Click the Email icon or the ••• icon Send ReceiptFew readersTax Guidance for Creators
Locals does not provide tax advice and we urge all of our creators to speak to their financial advisors on all tax matters. For Stripe’s guidance on Locals sourced revenue see here: For those creators earning more than $20k a year on Locals, Stripe will issue a 1099 that can be accessed here: For those creators earning less than $20k a year on Locals, a report on what rFew readers