How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I cancel from the community website? At the Manage Support page, click cancel to end your subscription (you will still have supporter access until the end of your billing cycle). If you cancel an annual subscription, then you will still have supporter access for the year but the subscription will not auto-renew when it expires (you would need to re-subscribe to keep having supporter access after it expires). ( do I do if my credit card fails during renewal?
If you have an auto-renewing subscription, on the next billing period, we automatically try to charge the original credit card you used to start the subscription. In some cases, the renewal may fail due to various reasons and thus you will most likely see this message in your Manage Support page for around 2 weeks. Renewal Failed The most likely reasons why a renewal fails are the following: Your oSome readersHow do I give a gift subscription?
If you would like to Gift someone a subscription and/or Locals coins to support communities of their choice, there are a few different ways to get to the Gift Subscription page: Go to Account Settings Billing & Subscriptions and click the “Gift Subscription” button. Go to the community website of a community you’ve joined (ex:, and just to the right of the newsfeed is a button to buy a Gift Subscription. ( readersHow do I update my credit card information or edit my subscription amount?
How do I update it from the community website? At the Manage Support page, if you are a monthly subscriber, you will see little pencil icons that when clicked, will allow you to edit your support amount or credit card information. ( readersHow do I subscribe to communities?
How do I sign up for a subscription? From the community website that you've joined as a member (ex:, on the left menu click “Manage Support.” After clicking subscribe, you will be prompted to enter your credit/debit card information. If an annual subscription option is available for the community you’ve joined, it will be selected by default, but if you would prefer to have a monthly auto-recurring subscription instead, you can click that option on the left (Some readersWhat is tipping?
What are tips? Tips are an optional way for members to show appreciation on the creator's or team members' posts inside a community. They do not resemble a form of "support" like when giving coins to a community creator as a form of support to gain access to the full supporter benefits of that community. There are 2 forms of tipping; tipping on a post and tipping in a live chat.Few readersHow do I cancel my coins subscription through the Locals app?
If you subscribed through iTunes or Google Play: If you have a coins subscription through iTunes or Google Play and want to cancel it, you will need to cancel it within your phone's app store subscription settings. You can read the instructions from Apple and Google here: iOS: readersHow do I purchase coins on the Locals app?
What are Locals coins? Locals coins are a type of currency that you can purchase and then give to the community you want to support, instead of paying directly with your credit/debit card. Because of how Locals is structured as a platform, the Locals coins currency was created in order to satisfy the Google/Apple in-app purchase guidelines. To purchase coins through the app, there are 2 different routes you can take, depending on if you purchase them when subscribing to a specific communiFew readersHow do I give one-time support/a donation?
What is one-time support or a donation? One-time support is where you give money to a community the same way you would when you create a subscription, except for the fact that we will not automatically charge you the next month. You pay one time for the duration and that's it. If you want to continue getting supporter access, you need to either create a subscription or do a one-time support each month you want access. How do I give one-time support? On the support landing page of a cFew readersWhy do credit card charges fail?
Locals uses Stripe as it's payment system to process all credit card transactions made from the web. There are 3 general reasons why we fail to charge your credit card, which will cause your subscription to be canceled or fail to start. 1. Wrong payment information When creating a new subscription, Stripe will not always know whether or not the information you initially entered is correct. It communicates with your bank after the information is entered and sometimesFew readersWhy didn’t my coins get added to my wallet on the Locals app?
Mobile App If you purchased coins through the mobile app and got charged, but no coins were added to your wallet, you can usually resolve this by doing the following: If you are at the Home page on the app Go to your Settings by tapping your portrait on the top right, and then tap "Manage Subscriptions." Next, tap the plus sign on the top right corner. Then tap "Restore Purchase" or if you don't see that option, long press on the "Buy" button, and this should restore your purFew readersHow do I subscribe through the Locals app?
You can support communities from the Locals app by purchasing coins via Apple/Google store and giving them to the communities you want.Few readersHow do I support a community annually?
Members who are not currently supporters If annual support is available in the community, anyone who is a member of the community can select an annual subscription when paying with credit card. A subscription is auto-renewing so it will charge members every year. Members can also choose to pay with Locals coins and select the 12 month support option (to get the benefits of free months usually offered by creators). The 12 month support option is a one time charge and not auto-renewing. MFew readersHow do I cancel my in-app subscription on The Rubin Report App?
Download Locals app on iOS: Download Locals app on Android: readers