How do I view my posts/comments/replies within a community?
To view your posts/comments/replies within a community, you'll need to go to your community profile page.
There are 2 ways you can access your profile on the community level:
The first method is you can either find a post or comment you made and tap your name, which will take you to your profile.
If you've made any posts, you can easily view your own posts in the newsfeed by changing the "Posts by" newsfeed filter to show "Posts by me" (it won't show comments/replies you've made on other member's posts). To learn more about how to use newsfeed filters, click here.

The second method is to go to the Member section on the left menu, type your username in the member search, and click your name:

Once you're at your community profile page, you can click each category to either view all your posts, all your comments or all your replies within that community.

If you want to see all the posts you've made across all the communities you've posted in, you'll need to go to and view your profile.
Note: This will only show your posts; you can only view your comments/replies on the community level, as described above.
You can easily view your profile at the platform level by clicking the "Manage Profile" button at your community profile page, or by clicking on your username on the top right, and selecting "Manage Profile" from the drop down menu.

This will take you to your Account Settings at To view your profile, click your username on to top right and select "View Profile" from the drop down menu.

Once you're at your profile page, you can view all your posts from different communities by scrolling down. You can also view your followers and who you're following, and edit your profile.

How to go to your community profile page
There are 2 ways you can access your profile on the community level:
The first method is you can either find a post or comment you made and tap your name, which will take you to your profile.
If you've made any posts, you can easily view your own posts in the newsfeed by changing the "Posts by" newsfeed filter to show "Posts by me" (it won't show comments/replies you've made on other member's posts). To learn more about how to use newsfeed filters, click here.

The second method is to go to the Member section on the left menu, type your username in the member search, and click your name:

Once you're at your community profile page, you can click each category to either view all your posts, all your comments or all your replies within that community.

How to view all your posts on the platform level
If you want to see all the posts you've made across all the communities you've posted in, you'll need to go to and view your profile.
Note: This will only show your posts; you can only view your comments/replies on the community level, as described above.
You can easily view your profile at the platform level by clicking the "Manage Profile" button at your community profile page, or by clicking on your username on the top right, and selecting "Manage Profile" from the drop down menu.

This will take you to your Account Settings at To view your profile, click your username on to top right and select "View Profile" from the drop down menu.

Once you're at your profile page, you can view all your posts from different communities by scrolling down. You can also view your followers and who you're following, and edit your profile.

Updated on: 19/01/2023