How do I tag someone?
What is tagging?
When someone tags you in a post by typing your username, it will notify you of the post (similar to when someone replies or likes your post). Members will typically tag other members because they want them to see their post, or to give them a shout out, etc. Members can be tagged in a post, comment or reply.
When you've been tagged, you'll see it in your bell notifications. If you have the email notification for Tags enabled, you'll be notified by email as well.
How to tag a member
To tag someone, create a post and type their username, starting with the "@". When you start to type it, a drop down list will appear with related usernames - click on the desired username to automatically add it without having to fully type it out.

Please note that if a member has chosen to hide their profiles from search, you will not be able to see their name in the auto-suggest list but you are still free to tag them if you know they are in the community you are tagging them in.
Once you've added their name and you've finished with the post (whether it's just text, or includes an image or video) click publish.

Note: Once published, you'll see the tagged member's username in bold. If you click on it, you'll be taken to their profile page.

How to view a post you've been tagged in
If you've been tagged in a post/comment/reply, you'll see it in your bell notifications when at the community page (i.e. Click the bell icon near the top right, and click on your tag notification to be taken directly to the post.

You'll the see the post with your tagged username, and (if you want) you can like it or leave a comment to let them know you saw it or liked it.

Updated on: 22/09/2022