Articles on: Members - Getting Started

How do I search for Locals communities?

There are several ways to search for communities on Locals:

Go directly to the discover page on Locals:

If you are at, you can use the search bar on the left menu to search for communities to join, or you can click your name on the top right, and select “Discover” from the drop down (which will redirect you to

Accessing Discover from

If you’re at a community website already, you can click “Switch community” (the last choice on the menu on the left) and below where it lists the communities you’ve joined, click “Discover More” which will also take you to the Locals discovery page. You can also click the "Discover Communities" button on the top right.

Accessing Discover from a community page

What to do once you're on the discover page:

You can type in the search using specific key words (i.e. the creator or community's name, by topics, etc.), or simply browse through the communities by general category. If you aren't logged in, or haven't chosen any category interests, the category will be set to “trending” by default and will show the most popular communities that are currently trending on Locals. If you are logged in and selected topics of interest (either during account set up or afterwards in your profile), it will be defaulted to those topics. You can also click different categories to bring up communities related to other topics. To view more than just 4 topics, click the arrow at the end to expand the topics list.

Search or browse on the Discover page

If you find a community that catches your interest, you can join it for free. Click on the desired community and a small window will pop up, showing you a basic description of the community, how many members it currently has, and it may have a short intro video/message from the community creator. If interested, click join.

Join the community

To preview some of their content before joining as a member, click the little square with an arrow (on the top right) to be redirected to their webpage. Scroll down a little, and you'll see you can watch some videos and view some posts.

Note: This will only work if you aren't currently logged in or haven't created a Locals account yet. If you are logged in, you'll be prompted to join as a free member and won't get to see the previews (you'll just be taken to the community newsfeed page instead).

Preview content before joining

How to go to the community website after joining

After clicking join directly from the discover page, you will be redirected back to your My Newsfeed ( and you will see the community you just joined at the top of the feed. If you look at their post, you will see an icon of a square with a diagonal pointing arrow near the top right. Click there, and a new tab/window will open to their community website (i.e.

Go to the Creator's website from

Updated on: 22/09/2022