How do I connect my Locals account to my Rumble account on Rumble?
Please note that at this time, connecting your account doesn't mean you will see content in both places if you are a paid supporter. However, we encourage users to connect for future features that will allow users to access benefits more seamlessly on both platforms. Creators should also connect if they want to promote their Locals community on their Rumble account/videos.
Once you're logged in on Rumble (, not on the app), under the username drop down, click on the "Connect Your Locals account" option

If you don't see this under the username drop down, that means you've already connected your account. To check, you can go to the connect page to see which account you connected to already.
Follow the connection flow:
A. If you have an existing Locals account with the same email as your current logged in Rumble account, the connection will be done automatically once you initiate the connect
For example, if your Rumble account is and your Locals account is also - they will be connected
B. If you have an existing Locals account but it's under a different email (and the same email doesn't also exist on Locals), you will be prompted with a pop up, select the option to Login with your different Locals email by clicking the "Yes, connect account" option

After clicking Yes, you will be directed to Locals to login with the account you want to connect to your current logged in Rumble account

Once you enter your Locals credentials and connect, you will be redirected to Rumble with your account connected.
For example, your Rumble account is You have 2 Locals accounts, AND If the Locals account you use most and has all the subscriptions are under, you need to either:
Delete your Locals account so you will be prompted to connect an account with a different email
Change the Locals account email to something else so you will be prompted to connect an account with a different email
Change your Rumble account email to so that the option A will occur and connect your Rumble account automatically to the same Locals account
C. If you have no Locals account , on that same prompt from above, click the "No, create new account" button and a new Locals account will be created with the same email as your Rumble account. Should you ever want to access Locals, you can use the same email, and for password, click the Forgot Password link on any Locals login page to set one.
Once connected, you can always check to see which account you are connected to under the Locals Connect page in Account settings on Rumble. If you also have a Locals community under the connected account, you will see that under your user info.
Please note, it may take up to 10 minutes for this page to be updated with your connected account so don't be alarmed if you still see a button to connect your accounts on this page right after connecting. Don't try to connect again during this time.
There are no options to disconnect for users so before you connect accounts, make sure you are logged into the correct Rumble account. Deleting either the Rumble or Locals account will sever a connection. If there has been a mistake, you can email for assistance.
If you have a community, connecting your Locals account will result in a new "Join" button being displayed on your channel page and video pages next to the "Follow" button. This button will lead users to your Locals community where they can become a supporter for your community/access to your paid content on Locals.

Connecting your Locals account on Rumble
Once you're logged in on Rumble (, not on the app), under the username drop down, click on the "Connect Your Locals account" option

If you don't see this under the username drop down, that means you've already connected your account. To check, you can go to the connect page to see which account you connected to already.
Follow the connection flow:
A. If you have an existing Locals account with the same email as your current logged in Rumble account, the connection will be done automatically once you initiate the connect
For example, if your Rumble account is and your Locals account is also - they will be connected
B. If you have an existing Locals account but it's under a different email (and the same email doesn't also exist on Locals), you will be prompted with a pop up, select the option to Login with your different Locals email by clicking the "Yes, connect account" option

After clicking Yes, you will be directed to Locals to login with the account you want to connect to your current logged in Rumble account

Once you enter your Locals credentials and connect, you will be redirected to Rumble with your account connected.
Please note, if you have multiple Locals accounts, the connection will always try to be done on the same email so if you want to make sure you're connecting a different email, change your email on Locals first before connecting.
For example, your Rumble account is You have 2 Locals accounts, AND If the Locals account you use most and has all the subscriptions are under, you need to either:
Delete your Locals account so you will be prompted to connect an account with a different email
Change the Locals account email to something else so you will be prompted to connect an account with a different email
Change your Rumble account email to so that the option A will occur and connect your Rumble account automatically to the same Locals account
C. If you have no Locals account , on that same prompt from above, click the "No, create new account" button and a new Locals account will be created with the same email as your Rumble account. Should you ever want to access Locals, you can use the same email, and for password, click the Forgot Password link on any Locals login page to set one.
Once connected, you can always check to see which account you are connected to under the Locals Connect page in Account settings on Rumble. If you also have a Locals community under the connected account, you will see that under your user info.
Please note, it may take up to 10 minutes for this page to be updated with your connected account so don't be alarmed if you still see a button to connect your accounts on this page right after connecting. Don't try to connect again during this time.

There are no options to disconnect for users so before you connect accounts, make sure you are logged into the correct Rumble account. Deleting either the Rumble or Locals account will sever a connection. If there has been a mistake, you can email for assistance.
If I'm a Creator, what happens when I connect my Locals account?
If you have a community, connecting your Locals account will result in a new "Join" button being displayed on your channel page and video pages next to the "Follow" button. This button will lead users to your Locals community where they can become a supporter for your community/access to your paid content on Locals.

Updated on: 14/11/2024