How do I follow/unfollow someone?
What does it mean to follow someone?
When you follow someone, it means you can easily filter posts by the people you follow. Additionally, if you have email notifications for followers enabled, you will get notified of their posts. You will also see their posts on your "My Newsfeed" on the platform level, at
Please note that following someone does not mean you are privy to more information about this member than someone who is not following them (and the same goes when someone is following you). You are not able to see any of their private information, and they can't see yours.
How do I follow someone?
First, log in to the community page (i.e. There are 2 different ways you can follow other members:
On the left menu, click "Members" to be taken to the member lookup page, where you can browse or search for members in the community. By default it will show all members, but you can also use the filter to sort what members you can see, and view all your followers/who you are following in that particular community.

Click the "Follow" button under their name to start following them. A star will appear next to their name, to indicate that you are now following them.

When viewing members posts on the newsfeed, click on their name and you will see their profile page.

Once you are at their profile page, click follow.

Note: When viewing yourself on the member look up page or on your profile, the follow button will not be visible to you, since you can't follow yourself. This does not mean people can't follow you, as it is visible to everyone else.
How to unfollow members
On the community level:
The same method you used to follow members can also be used to unfollow them. Once you've clicked "follow" you'll notice that the button changes to "unfollow" - which you can then click to stop following them.
On the platform level:
Go to and log in and you will be brought to your My Newsfeed page. This is the place that houses the content from everyone you follow - both creators and members alike. If you click on their name, you will be brought to their profile (similar to when you click on names from the community website, but with more information).

You will see the option to unfollow them, as well as other information, such as how many members are following them and how many they are following, if you have any communities in common, etc.

How to see a full list of your followers/who you are following on the platform
While logged in at, click on your name/portrait on the top right and select "View Profile" from the drop down.

This will take you to your profile page, where you can view the full count and lists of your followers and members you are following.

If you click on Followers, you will see all the members who are following you. Click the button to the right of their name to follow/unfollow them.

If you click Following, you will see all the members you are following. Click the button to the right if you want to stop following them.

Keep in mind, when you join a community as a member, the system will automatically have you follow the creator and creator team members. This is so you won't miss any of their posts, as creator team members (if they have them) often post on behalf of the creator.
Updated on: 22/09/2022