What are the settings I have for publishing a post?
For each post, you have different settings available to you as a creator.

Only for Subscribers - toggle this on if you want the post to only be visible to active subscribers
Allow Post Tipping - this toggle is only available if tipping is enabled on the community as a whole. Once enabled, you can choose to enable tipping on the post you are publishing.
Pin to Newsfeed - toggle this on if you want to pin this post at the top of your newsfeed immediately upon publishing. You can set a pin duration which automatically unpin the post after this duration.
Please note that you may only pin up to 3 posts in your community. If you pin more than 3, the earliest pinned post (not publish date) will unpin itself automatically to make sure you are at your 3 pin post limit. Pinned posts with the duration of "Other" will be the last to be unpinned if you have other pinned posts with shorter durations.
Schedule post - toggle this on to open schedule post settings
Enable Live Chat - toggle this on to start a live chat immediately upon publishing instead of starting it later
Enable Live Stream- toggle this on to start a live stream, an additional option will show to ask if you want to start a live stream now or schedule one for later. The post will also automatically be pinned.
Add to content - this toggle becomes available and is on by default whenever you upload a video, podcast, PDF or publish an article. It adds this file to your content library. If you prefer to not have it in your library, toggle it off.
Add to playlist - this toggle is available if Add to content is enabled. You can add your video/podcast/PDF/article to an existing playlist or create a new one.
Auto-Submit Post - this toggle becomes available whenever you upload a video or podcast. This allows creators who upload large files to compile their post and leave it to finish uploading the file before automatically publishing the post so you do not have to return to submit it.
Notify Users - this will send out real-time email notifications to members in the community who have the Notification toggle of "When creator and creator team posts" on. By default, this setting is toggled off. Therefore, when creating any kind of posts (videos, podcasts, PDFs, articles or text only), if you want your members to be notified of the posts, you will need to manually toggle this setting on, each time you make a new post. Leaving it off means members will not receive an email notification, even if they have the notification setting on.

Only for Subscribers - toggle this on if you want the post to only be visible to active subscribers
Allow Post Tipping - this toggle is only available if tipping is enabled on the community as a whole. Once enabled, you can choose to enable tipping on the post you are publishing.
Pin to Newsfeed - toggle this on if you want to pin this post at the top of your newsfeed immediately upon publishing. You can set a pin duration which automatically unpin the post after this duration.
Please note that you may only pin up to 3 posts in your community. If you pin more than 3, the earliest pinned post (not publish date) will unpin itself automatically to make sure you are at your 3 pin post limit. Pinned posts with the duration of "Other" will be the last to be unpinned if you have other pinned posts with shorter durations.
Schedule post - toggle this on to open schedule post settings
Enable Live Chat - toggle this on to start a live chat immediately upon publishing instead of starting it later
Enable Live Stream- toggle this on to start a live stream, an additional option will show to ask if you want to start a live stream now or schedule one for later. The post will also automatically be pinned.
Add to content - this toggle becomes available and is on by default whenever you upload a video, podcast, PDF or publish an article. It adds this file to your content library. If you prefer to not have it in your library, toggle it off.
Add to playlist - this toggle is available if Add to content is enabled. You can add your video/podcast/PDF/article to an existing playlist or create a new one.
Auto-Submit Post - this toggle becomes available whenever you upload a video or podcast. This allows creators who upload large files to compile their post and leave it to finish uploading the file before automatically publishing the post so you do not have to return to submit it.
Notify Users - this will send out real-time email notifications to members in the community who have the Notification toggle of "When creator and creator team posts" on. By default, this setting is toggled off. Therefore, when creating any kind of posts (videos, podcasts, PDFs, articles or text only), if you want your members to be notified of the posts, you will need to manually toggle this setting on, each time you make a new post. Leaving it off means members will not receive an email notification, even if they have the notification setting on.
Updated on: 18/11/2022