Articles on: Creators - Getting Started

How can I publish an Article?

An article is a new type of post creators and their teams can create in their community. Articles are formatted optimally for long form text editing and viewing.

If the feature is enabled in your community, the option to create an article will be in the Write a Post area on your community website.

Create an Article

This will lead you to the Articles editor


Field Definitions

Title - title of the article will show at the top of the page, this is required to publish an article, min of 5 characters
Subtitle - subtitle under the title, optional
Contributors - tag other users in your community if they contributed to the creation of your article, optional
Cover Image - cover images will be shown at the top of the article and are used as the thumbnails of the article, optional. If one is uploaded, you can also add a caption to the image. Types allow include jpg, png and gif

Articles Toolbar

Header types - select from 3 header types that will differ in size


Header sizes

Font styles - Bold, italicize, underline or strike-through your text; styles can be combined

Font styles

Lists - select either numbered lists or bullet point lists; multiple levels can be nested


Upload Image - upload an image from your device or search via online. Types allowed to upload include jpg, png and gif

Upload Prompt

- If you are sourcing from an online link, enter the link to the image in the input bar OR if you want to upload from your device, click the upload icon on the right
- Alternative description is text that describes the image, it is shown as a replacement if the website fails to load the image
- Show caption checkbox - if you want to add a caption under the image, check this and you will be able to edit the text after saving

Uploaded Image

- Drag the corners of the image to resize
- If you want to link the image, you can, while you have the image highlighted, click the Hyperlink tool in the toolbar at the top (images without a link behind it will just open the image in full size when users click on the image in the article)
- If you need to edit the image's alternative description or source, click on the Image upload icon in the tool bar while the image is highlighted to get the original Upload image prompt

Upload Podcast (limited to 1 podcast per article) - upload an audio file from your device, allow to upload mp3, mpeg4, wav, m4a

Uploaded podcast

Similar to when you upload a podcast in a normal post, after uploading and submitting, the podcast may not be available to play right away. It will take some time for the file to process before it is playable, the same applies to a podcast you may upload in an article.

If you upload a podcast in an article, please note that this piece of content will be categorized under Articles. You will not find this podcast under the Podcasts list in your content library. If you would like to have a Podcast be categorized under the Podcast lists, please upload it under a regular post.

Hyperlinks - insert a hyperlink on text or images by highlighting the item and clicking the hyperlink button in the tool bar

Hyperlink prompt

- Add the URL you want to link your item to (make sure to include the https:// in front)
- Text to display is the text you want hyperlinked
- Title is the description of the link users can see if they mouse over the hyperlink when viewing the article


After it is linked, click on the item to see where it is linked to. If you want to see the hyperlink prompt again, highlight the item and click the icon in the toolbar again

Quotes - used to highlight any special quotes you have in your article


Emoji - allows you to insert an emoji into the article

Line Divider - adds a dividing line between text/images in the article

Supporters Only Lock (lock icon) - this is the divider you put if you want to make the latter portion of your article accessible to supporters only; should only be used once in an article

Supporter only in editor

Supporter only in view mode for free members

Become a supporter call to action button (giving icon) - add the call to action buttons throughout your article to remind members to support

Become a supporter


My Drafts/Save Draft - you can save an article as a draft and revisit later by clicking the "Save Draft" option on top. You can also open another draft while writing an article. To open a draft next time, click on Create an article and you will be prompted to open a previous draft

Open Draft

Show Preview - view the article in the format that will be shown to free members

Publication settings - refer to definition of available settings here

Example of an article

Article Example

Articles can be viewed in it's entirety on the share page and in email notifications (if you send notifications when you publish the article), though if you have a Supporter only portion, this will still only be visible to supporters only.

To learn how to make articles easier for your supporters to access, you can use the Post Publication settings to save them to your Content Library or organize them into Playlists.

Updated on: 18/11/2022