How do I view my posts/comments/replies within a community on the app?
To view your posts/comments/replies, you'll need to go to your community profile page.
Find a post or comment you published and tap your name/pic, which will take you to your community profile page.
Tip: You can easily view your own posts in the newsfeed by changing the left side newsfeed filter to show "My posts" (it won't show your comments/replies on other members posts). To learn more about how to use newsfeed filters on the app, click here.

Once you are at your community profile, by default it will be selected to show your posts. Tap "comments" to view your comments and replies.

If you want to view all your posts you've made from multiple communities across Locals, you can view them by accessing your profile from the app Settings. To do this, go to My Communities (select the People icon near the bottom next to the Home icon), and then tap your portrait icon on the top right to go to Settings.

Then select "View Profile" to see your post history.

This is also where you can see your followers and people you are following across the platform, and where you can edit your profile
How to go to your community profile page
Find a post or comment you published and tap your name/pic, which will take you to your community profile page.
Tip: You can easily view your own posts in the newsfeed by changing the left side newsfeed filter to show "My posts" (it won't show your comments/replies on other members posts). To learn more about how to use newsfeed filters on the app, click here.

Once you are at your community profile, by default it will be selected to show your posts. Tap "comments" to view your comments and replies.

How to view all your posts on the platform level
If you want to view all your posts you've made from multiple communities across Locals, you can view them by accessing your profile from the app Settings. To do this, go to My Communities (select the People icon near the bottom next to the Home icon), and then tap your portrait icon on the top right to go to Settings.

Then select "View Profile" to see your post history.

This is also where you can see your followers and people you are following across the platform, and where you can edit your profile
Updated on: 04/10/2024