How do I follow/unfollow someone on the Locals app?
What does it mean to follow someone?
When you follow someone, it means you can easily filter posts by the people you follow. Additionally, if you have notifications for followers enabled, you will get notified of their posts.
Please note that following someone does not mean you are privy to more information about this member than someone who is not following them (and the same goes when someone is following you). You are not able to see any of their private information, and they can't see yours.
How do I follow/unfollow someone in the app?
First, launch the Locals app and select the My Communities icon (it's near the bottom of the screen next to the Home page icon and looks like 2 people).
There are 2 different ways you can follow other members:
Select a community from the top of the My Communities page to be taken to that community's newsfeed. When you see a post or comment from a member that you would like to follow, tap their portrait or name.

This will bring you to that member's profile page. Tap the Follow button to start following them. If you tap the same button again (that will now say "Following") it will cause you to unfollow them.

From here you can also tap to see who that member's followers are and who they are following. Tap "Followers" or "Following" to see the list of members for either category. You'll also see a 3rd category "You Know" that will show members that you are both currently following. If any of them interest you, you can tap the Follow button to the right of their name to start following them as well. You can easily switch between the list of "You know", "Followers" and "Following" by selecting the tabs at the top. Also, you can search for members/creators to follow across the platform by selecting the magnifying glass icon on the top right, and typing in their username.

The 2nd way you can follow/unfollow members is going to the member search by selecting the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right (you will need to know their username for this method).

From there, select the search field, type in their username, and select the "members" tab to view the matching results and select follow (or if you're already following them, selecting it will make you unfollow).

You can also use this method to find new creators/communities you want to join/follow. When you join a new community, you'll automatically be set to follow the creator/creator team.
Note: When viewing yourself on the member search page or on your profile, the follow button will not be visible to you, since you can't follow yourself. This does not mean people can't follow you, as it is visible to everyone else.
How to view your followers and who you are following
From the Home page or My Communities page, select your profile picture on the top right to go to Settings.

Once in the Settings, tap View Profile.

From you profile, you can tap on the Followers/Following lists to see who is following you and who you are following. You will also be able to follow people who are following you or unfollow people that you are currently following.

Note: This is also where you can choose to edit your profile by selecting "Edit" button on the top right of your profile page. To learn more, go here.
Updated on: 10/10/2024