Articles on: Creators - Getting Started

How do I schedule posts?

If you have content lined up that you want to upload and post at a later date, you can choose to schedule them instead of posting them immediately.

Only creators and creator's team members have the ability to schedule posts.

How to Schedule?

Start posting something like you normally would
If you want to schedule this post, make sure you toggle on "Schedule post" in the publication settings before submitting

Schedule Toggle
Once you've toggled on the Scheduler, you will see additional options to select the Date and Time you want to publish this post

Schedule time and date

You must schedule a time that is at least 10 minutes after the current time.
Once you've selected your scheduled posting time, submit your post
After you've submitted your post, you will not see the post in the newsfeed by default. If you would like to review all of your scheduled posts, change your "Posts by" filter to "Scheduled"

Schedule Filter
Scheduled posts will have have "Scheduled" tag
Scheduled posts will show the date it will be scheduled to release; on the day of, it will also show the time it will release
Notifications about scheduled posts will be sent to users once it's published instead of when the post is submitted
You may edit scheduled posts up to 1 minute before it was originally scheduled to post
You may choose to cancel a scheduled post after submitting by editing the post and turning off the Schedule toggle. Once this is done, it cannot be undone - your post will be published immediately upon saving your edit.

Updated on: 17/08/2022