How do I block/unblock a user?
What does it mean to block someone?
For the most part, when you block someone, there will be certain things that the users can no longer do. Keep in mind, it will go both ways. The other user will not be notified when you block them.
Both users (the blocker and the blocked) will not be able to:
See each others' posts, comments, replies
Get notifications about the other
Will not be able to follow the other and if a user was following you, after you've blocked them, they will automatically unfollow you
Will not be able to find the member in search/tag
If you are a creator, blocking a user on a user level will also block this user from your community (which means if they are a supporter, their subscription will also be canceled).
How do I block/unblock someone?
If you click on a member’s profile, you will see 3 dots on the upper right. If you click there, you will see the option to report the member (if you feel they violated community or platform rules) or to block/unblock them.

If you've already blocked a member and want to unblock them, you can view their profile by going to the Members section on the left side menu. Click the field that says "All Members" on the left and select "Blocked" from the drop-down menu. You will then see any users you've blocked and can click on their name to view their profile, and then unblock as shown in the example above.

Alternatively, you can log in at and go to your profile to view blocked users. To view your profile, click your username in the lower left corner of the page once you've logged in.

Click on the Block count

A pop up will open with a list of users you have blocked. If you wish to Unblock them, click the Unblock button.

Updated on: 13/08/2024