How do I report a member on Locals?
When should I report someone on Locals?
If someone is violating platform or community standards, you can report the user's specific post/comment/reply, or you can report the user. You can read more about what is considered
a violation below.
How to report a user's post/comment/reply
Click the 3 dotted line on the top right corner of the post/comment/reply, and select "Report" from the drop down menu.

You'll then be taken to a screen where you can choose which rule the member violated, and a field where you can provide more details (which is optional). After making your selection click submit, and your report will be reviewed by Locals Moderation or the community creator, depending on whether it was a violation of platform rules or community rules. If it is not deemed as a violation, it will be ignored and no penalties will be applied. If it is deemed as a violation, the post will be deleted, and depending on the circumstances (or if its a repeat offender), the user may be banned as well.

How to report a specific user
To report a user, as opposed to a specific post or comment, find a post/comment/reply they published and click on their username to be taken to their profile (you can also look them up in member search and click their name).

Upon tapping their name, you'll then be brought to their community profile page. Click the 3 dots on the top right corner, and select "Report" from the drop down menu.

What is the difference between Platform Violations and Community Violations?
Platform violations are any rules that are broken on the platform level. There are are only 3 types of platform violations:
Violates US Law or Copyright - This is if the user is clearly breaking US law or passing off content as their own that is copyrighted.
Sexual Content - This is if they are posting pictures or videos of full nudity, graphic sexual content, or pornography.
Threat of Violence - This is if someone is making serious threats of violence or death threats to one or more people, or are trying to encourage others to take violent actions, with the actual intent of carrying it out.
To learn about platform violations in more detail, click here.
Community violations are any rules that are broken within a specific Locals community. Ultimately, it is up to the community creator what rules to set and what type of behavior is tolerated in their community. Community violations can be:
Harassment - If one or multiple members are harassing other members, continuously insulting them or otherwise disrupting the community.
Hate Speech - If the member is using derogatory words or slang in regards to race, gender, religion, etc.
SPAM - If a member is posting the same content repeatedly, posting ads (without permission from the creator) or soliciting, etc.
Other - Use this category if you feel they are breaking a community rule but it doesn't fit into any of the above listed categories. If you select this, please explain why the post is being reported or what community guideline it is breaking.
To learn what the the community guidelines are for a particular community, log in to the community website and go to the "About" section on the left menu (ex:
Updated on: 22/09/2022