Articles on: Creators - Getting Started

What is a content landing page?

Content landing page is where you can display all of your free content to people who are not logged in. it's a great way to showcase what you post in your community for people who may be interested in joining but want a preview of what is uploaded first in order to make sure it aligns with their interest.

Example of Content LP

You may also choose to show your content landing page as the default landing page of your community website instead of the usual landing page design.

How to enable a content landing page and configure landing pages

Go to your community admin settings
Go to the Settings tab
Go to the section called "Content Landing Page"
Click Enable if you want to have a content landing page

Note, you MUST have at least 6 pieces of content per type in order for you to enable/it to be visible to guests. The 6 pieces of content for videos/podcasts must be free (so if you only have supporter only content, you will not be able to enable). All articles will be shown even if they have supporter only sections as guests can still view the free portion of the article.

When enabled, an extra link will show up on your landing page like this, when clicked it will direct users to a dedicated page where we display your free content per type

Link on Default LP

Aside from enabling this page, you can also choose to display this page instead of the default landing page when guests land on your community site.

Content LP Settings

If you want to change your landing page to show the Content Landing Page instead (if you have it enabled), choose that as your Default Landing Page
If you have multiple types of content, you can choose which one is the one that the users land on first when they access your Content Landing Page (whether that be through your default landing page or if you set your Content landing page as the default).
Click Save

Updated on: 15/05/2024