How to set up a pre-live video for Live Stream?
What is a pre-live video for live stream?
Creators can upload a default video to be shown to users in a scheduled live stream before the live stream officially goes live. Since users are able to enter a scheduled live stream ahead of time to chat, you can upload a video which will play on loop to be shown there while users chat. It can have some generic music or just visuals that will play in the background. It will be visible to everyone who joins the scheduled lives stream ahead of time, except for the person who created the live stream.

How do I upload one?
You may only upload 1 default video that will be used for all scheduled streams.
Go to your community website and access the Community Admin Settings
Go to Edit Design
Scroll down to "Default Pre-live Video for Streams"
Add a file
File must be either mpeg, mp4 or mov and it must be 200MB or less
While file is uploading please do not close the page. Once it's uploaded, please note the pop that explains that while the file is now uploaded, it still needs to be processed. This means that the video may not show up right away. We suggest you upload the video at least 30-60 min before you expect it to be shown on a scheduled live stream.
Once the file is uploaded, click Save changes

Updated on: 17/08/2022