How to join a live stream/how to live chat?
The easiest way to find a live stream while its broadcasting is to log in to the community page of your choice (i.e. and go to their newsfeed. The live stream will be pinned at the top of the newsfeed by default. Click "Join" to watch and join the live chat.

Once in the chat, type in the message box at the bottom of the chat window and hit enter or click the red arrow to submit your comment. You can also click the emoji icon to choose from a list of emojis, or click the picture icon to upload a picture/gif.

Once you submit your comment, it will appear off to the right side separate from everyone else's comments and will show your portrait, but you won't see your own username. This makes it easier to differentiate your own comments from others in the chat. (Note: to everyone else, your username does show and your comment is in-line with the rest of the comments in chat).

If you want to reply to someone's comment in chat, go to their comment, click the 3 dots and click reply. This will automatically copy their comment to your chat box, so when you type and submit your reply, in the chat it will show their comment in bold along with your reply to it.

Once in the chat, type in the message box at the bottom of the chat window and hit enter or click the red arrow to submit your comment. You can also click the emoji icon to choose from a list of emojis, or click the picture icon to upload a picture/gif.

Once you submit your comment, it will appear off to the right side separate from everyone else's comments and will show your portrait, but you won't see your own username. This makes it easier to differentiate your own comments from others in the chat. (Note: to everyone else, your username does show and your comment is in-line with the rest of the comments in chat).

If you want to reply to someone's comment in chat, go to their comment, click the 3 dots and click reply. This will automatically copy their comment to your chat box, so when you type and submit your reply, in the chat it will show their comment in bold along with your reply to it.

Updated on: 22/09/2022