How do I tip on a post?
What is tipping on posts? (To learn about tipping in a live chat, click here.)
Tips are an optional way for members to show appreciation to a creator's posts or other team members' posts inside a community. Tips are paid with the Locals coins currency, which you can purchase on or on the app. Tips do not add any membership benefits, such as when you pay for a subscription/make a one-time donation.
Keep in mind, tipping is only available in communities that have tipping enabled by the creator. If enabled, ONLY creator's and team member's posts will be allowed to collect tips.
How to leave a tip
If you see a post with a tip jar and would like to give a tip, click on the tip jar and enter the amount of coins you'd like to tip.

If you don't have any or enough coins, click "get coins" to be taken to a coins payment screen.
Note: 10 coins = $1, so if you tip 1 coin, that only equals 10 cents.

Select the amount of coins you want to purchase, enter your payment information, and click buy.

You'll then be taken back to the tip screen, and with your newly purchased coins. Enter the amount you'd like to tip and click the "tip" button to finalize. You'll get a confirmation thanking you, and then will see the post with your tip amount added to the tip jar.

Updated on: 26/09/2023