How do I block/unblock a user on the Locals app?
What does it mean to block someone?
For the most part, when you block someone, there will be certain things that the users can no longer do. Keep in mind, it will go both ways. The other user will not be notified when you block them.
Both users (the blocker and the blocked) will not be able to:
See each others' posts, comments, replies
Get notifications about the other
Will not be able to follow the other and if a user was following you, after you've blocked them, they will automatically unfollow you
Will not be able to find the member in search/tag
If you are a creator, blocking a user on a user level will also block this user from your community (which means if they are a supporter, their subscription will also be canceled).
How do I block someone?
To block a member, go to a post they made or to their profile page (by selecting their name) and tap the 3 dotted line on the top right.

You will then see a confirmation screen informing you what will happen if you block a user. If you came to this screen by accident or changed your mind and don't want to block the user, you can select the X on the top right to close out the window. Otherwise, to confirm the block, select "Block user." You will also get a confirmation message afterward.

How do unblock someone?
If you've already blocked a user and want to unblock them, go to your Settings page by selecting your profile pic on the top right (either from the Home page or My Communities page).

From Settings, select "View Profile."

Then, from your profile page, select Followers/Following.

This will bring you to another page with tabs, where you can view the full lists of everyone you are following and who is following you. There will also be a 3rd tab on the right labeled "Blocked." Select this tab to view a list of all users you've blocked, and select the user you'd like to unblock.

After selecting a user, you'll be brought to their profile page. To unblock them, select the 3 dotted line on the right and select "Unblock."

Updated on: 29/07/2024