How to add community tags?
What are community tags?
Community tags are words/terms you use often in your community that can be used to organize certain content. For example, you may write a hashtag like #Comics on every post you post a comic strip in your community. Clicking on a community tag will automatically search that tag for your members and find all the results after clicking on this tag instead of requiring your members to manually search up something that they may or may not be aware of in your community.
Tags will show up at the top of your newsfeed on your community website only (

Where can I add my tags?
Login to your community website
Go to your community admin panel
Go to the settings tab
Scroll to the Community tags input
Type in your words/terms and press enter to add them (you can add up to 10)
Click Save

Make sure you type in the tags as you have written them in your posts, they will only show post results where the tag is written exactly as the term shows up in the post
Characters that can be inputted (it must be 1 singular term, no spaces)
- Letters
- Numbers
- Hashtag (#)
- Exclamation point (!)
- Question mark (?)
- Dash (-)
- Period (.)
- Plus (+)
- Forward slash (/)
- Ampersand (&)
- Dollar sign ($)
- Percent (%)
- At sign (@)
- Colon ( : )
- Comma ( , )
How to use tags
Once tags are added to your community, anyone can click on a tag and will show the posts which have this term in it. It is the equivalent of manually searching up that tag in the search bar of that community.
To return to the main newsfeed, click on the tag again to un-select it.
Updated on: 24/10/2023