How do I give a discount code to members?
You may want to provide a discount code to new users to allow them to subscribe at a discounted rate as a way to get them interested in trying out your community.
Discount codes are applied in the Promo code input for users, similar to free trials.
In order for promo codes to be applicable, you should connect your Stripe account first.
Log into your Locals community
Go to the Community Admin panel (located under your username menu)
Go to Payment Setup on the left side menu
Go down to the Discount code section

Click the Add Discount Code button

Fill out the form
Subscription Type - if you have both Monthly and Annual subscriptions, select which plan the discount code is for
Code - the actual promo code you want to use
Note that since a discount code is inputted into the Promo code field, like the free trial codes, they must also not be a repeat code used for free trials already
Duration - how long the discount will last once a member submits it (if it's a monthly plan, up to 12 months; if it's an annual plan, discount is only available for the first year)
Discount Amount - how much of a discount you want to give off of your minimum support price per plan.
For example, if your monthly plan is $5/month, if you enter a discount amount of $2, then a subscriber who applies this code would effectively pay $3/month.
If the discount code is for a monthly subscription, you can give up to $1 less than your minimum subscription price.
For example, if your monthly plan is $5/month, you can anywhere from a $1 discount, up to a $4 discount ($1 less than your $5 min)
If your discount code is for an annual subscription, you can give up to 50% off your minimum support price per plan.
For example, if your annual plan is $50/yr, you can give up to a $25 discount
The available range of discount amount you can give depending on your minimum prices are calculated for you and provided in the description:

Start - when do you want to activate the use of this code?
Expiration - when do you want the code to stop working (NOTE: this is the last date someone can apply this code, it is not the date the discount ends)
Add use limit/max limit - if you want to set a limit to how many times this discount code can be used, you can toggle this on and set the limit (once it is reached, the code will be invalid even if the expiration date has not been reached)
Multiple codes limit - if you want to limit the use of the new code you are creating by making it so that if a user has used a specific code in the past, they will not be able to apply this new code on any new subscriptions they create on this account. If enabled, you need to select the codes that you don't want to allow users to have used in the past already.
For example:
You have Promo1 and User A has used Promo1 in the past.
You create a new code: Promo2. You do not want users who have already used Promo1 in the past to be able to use Promo2. In this case, you should enable Multiple codes limit and in the Invalidate if used before field, type in "Promo1".
If saved, when User A tries to apply Promo2, they will not be able to. However, User B who has not used Promo1 in the past will be able to apply Promo2.
In order for us to verify past use, if your promo code has a past code limit, users must be logged in to try to apply it. This is something to note in case you email new users about joining your community with a promo code
Upload a custom support landing page image - if you have a custom landing page,

You can adjust the main background image normally shown on the support landing page. More info on that here.
That may fit your promo code better by uploading a custom image

Note: Members don't need the link to use a discount code, they can also apply the code directly when checking out but the custom image only shows if you use the specific share link (read below), it does not change the image if a user just goes to the regular link and applies the code
Click Save
Now that your discount code is created, you can start sharing it.
Once you've created your discount code, if you selected your start date to be today or a previous day, you will see a share icon under Actions, click on it.
It will take you to the Share page with the Code pre-selected (you can always come to this page directly as well and select any valid code)
Select your Sharing channel
Copy the link and share it on your social media or other channels. For Facebook and Twitter, you can share it directly to your account.
If you uploaded a custom support landing page image, make sure you generate the share link so the image will show properly
Members can only use 1 promo code per subscription (this means you can either use a discount code or a free trial code as both are considered promo codes)
Members cannot use the same discount code multiple times
Discounts can only be applied to a new subscription so a member cannot apply a discount to an existing subscription. They would need to cancel and create a new subscription in order to apply a promo code.
Discounts cannot be retracted once a members has applied it to their account
If you applied a discount code on a monthly plan, you will not be able to update to an annual plan (if available) during the discounted period
Promo codes are only applicable on the web for credit card payments, it is not available for subscribers on the mobile app or for coin subscriptions.
Discount codes are applied in the Promo code input for users, similar to free trials.
In order for promo codes to be applicable, you should connect your Stripe account first.
How do I generate a discount code?
Log into your Locals community
Go to the Community Admin panel (located under your username menu)
Go to Payment Setup on the left side menu
Go down to the Discount code section

Click the Add Discount Code button

Fill out the form
Subscription Type - if you have both Monthly and Annual subscriptions, select which plan the discount code is for
Code - the actual promo code you want to use
Note that since a discount code is inputted into the Promo code field, like the free trial codes, they must also not be a repeat code used for free trials already
Duration - how long the discount will last once a member submits it (if it's a monthly plan, up to 12 months; if it's an annual plan, discount is only available for the first year)
Discount Amount - how much of a discount you want to give off of your minimum support price per plan.
For example, if your monthly plan is $5/month, if you enter a discount amount of $2, then a subscriber who applies this code would effectively pay $3/month.
If the discount code is for a monthly subscription, you can give up to $1 less than your minimum subscription price.
For example, if your monthly plan is $5/month, you can anywhere from a $1 discount, up to a $4 discount ($1 less than your $5 min)
If your discount code is for an annual subscription, you can give up to 50% off your minimum support price per plan.
For example, if your annual plan is $50/yr, you can give up to a $25 discount
The available range of discount amount you can give depending on your minimum prices are calculated for you and provided in the description:

Start - when do you want to activate the use of this code?
Expiration - when do you want the code to stop working (NOTE: this is the last date someone can apply this code, it is not the date the discount ends)
Add use limit/max limit - if you want to set a limit to how many times this discount code can be used, you can toggle this on and set the limit (once it is reached, the code will be invalid even if the expiration date has not been reached)
Multiple codes limit - if you want to limit the use of the new code you are creating by making it so that if a user has used a specific code in the past, they will not be able to apply this new code on any new subscriptions they create on this account. If enabled, you need to select the codes that you don't want to allow users to have used in the past already.
For example:
You have Promo1 and User A has used Promo1 in the past.
You create a new code: Promo2. You do not want users who have already used Promo1 in the past to be able to use Promo2. In this case, you should enable Multiple codes limit and in the Invalidate if used before field, type in "Promo1".
If saved, when User A tries to apply Promo2, they will not be able to. However, User B who has not used Promo1 in the past will be able to apply Promo2.
In order for us to verify past use, if your promo code has a past code limit, users must be logged in to try to apply it. This is something to note in case you email new users about joining your community with a promo code
Upload a custom support landing page image - if you have a custom landing page,

You can adjust the main background image normally shown on the support landing page. More info on that here.
That may fit your promo code better by uploading a custom image

Note: Members don't need the link to use a discount code, they can also apply the code directly when checking out but the custom image only shows if you use the specific share link (read below), it does not change the image if a user just goes to the regular link and applies the code
Click Save
Now that your discount code is created, you can start sharing it.
How do I share my discount code?
Once you've created your discount code, if you selected your start date to be today or a previous day, you will see a share icon under Actions, click on it.
It will take you to the Share page with the Code pre-selected (you can always come to this page directly as well and select any valid code)
Select your Sharing channel
Copy the link and share it on your social media or other channels. For Facebook and Twitter, you can share it directly to your account.
If you uploaded a custom support landing page image, make sure you generate the share link so the image will show properly
Are there any limitations with discount codes?
Members can only use 1 promo code per subscription (this means you can either use a discount code or a free trial code as both are considered promo codes)
Members cannot use the same discount code multiple times
Discounts can only be applied to a new subscription so a member cannot apply a discount to an existing subscription. They would need to cancel and create a new subscription in order to apply a promo code.
Discounts cannot be retracted once a members has applied it to their account
If you applied a discount code on a monthly plan, you will not be able to update to an annual plan (if available) during the discounted period
Promo codes are only applicable on the web for credit card payments, it is not available for subscribers on the mobile app or for coin subscriptions.
Updated on: 15/08/2024