Locals 101: Introduction (1 of 5)
Bryan Lunduke, creator of the Lunduke Community gives an overview of Locals and how it works. Locals.com allows you to publish and monetize your content -- while building an engaging community. Locals isn't just a publishing platform. Nor is it just a subscription and monetization platform. With Locals, you create -- and manage -- your own community.Some readersLocals 101: What types of content can I publish on Locals? (2 of 5)
By Bryan Lunduke, creator of the Lunduke Community There are seven key types of content you can publish to your Locals community: Written Posts Videos Live Streams Images Articles Audio Podcasts PDFs Types of Content Written posts can be anything. Think short-form like tweets, up to long-form blogs. This means that, as a creator, you cFew readersLocals 101: What are the member options? (3 of 5)
By Bryan Lunduke, creator of the Lunduke Community There are two types of membership options for people who wish to follow you and your content: "Members" - Anyone can create a free Member account, which allows them to follow (and like) the freely published content you post to your Locals community. Locked Posts "Supporter" - People can pay (an amount you, as the creator, specify) to become a SSome readersLocals 101: How does Locals offer my audience a community and keep out trolls? (4 of 5)
By Bryan Lunduke, creator of the Lunduke Community All Members of your Locals community can Like and Share the content you post. But only paid Supporters have access to posting and commenting. This means one, very important, thing: It's easy to keep out the trolls. Nice for you, and nice for your fans. Comment access Imagine publishing a video... and not being flooded with a thousand comments frFew readersLocals 101: How is Locals different from Patreon? (5 of 5)
By Bryan Lunduke, creator of the Lunduke Community Beyond simply being able to comment on your posts and content, your paid Supporters gain the ability to publish their own top-level posts and content directly to your community -- which other Supporters can, in turn, comment on. This means that your Supporters can generate content thatSome readers