How do I change my Username, Email Address and Password on the Locals app?
Go to your Settings by tapping your portrait on the bottom right, then tap Account Settings.

Here, you can change your email, username or password. Keep in mind, if you change your email address, you will be sent a verification email from Locals and will need to verify it (just like when you first created your Locals account).
Note: To change your password, you will need to know your old password. If you’ve forgotten your password, then you will need to log out and at the login screen, tap “forgot password” to have a password reset link emailed to you.

After making any changes, tap the “save changes” button that will appear at the bottom of the screen.
If you reset it from the app, the reset link must be opened from the app but most people have their default phone settings to open links in email in a browser. If it doesn't work, best to request the PW reset from instead.

Here, you can change your email, username or password. Keep in mind, if you change your email address, you will be sent a verification email from Locals and will need to verify it (just like when you first created your Locals account).
Note: To change your password, you will need to know your old password. If you’ve forgotten your password, then you will need to log out and at the login screen, tap “forgot password” to have a password reset link emailed to you.

After making any changes, tap the “save changes” button that will appear at the bottom of the screen.
If you reset it from the app, the reset link must be opened from the app but most people have their default phone settings to open links in email in a browser. If it doesn't work, best to request the PW reset from instead.
Updated on: 10/03/2022