How do I block a member from my community?
You may want to block a member of your community if they have violated your guidelines.
Log into your Locals community
Go to the Community Admin panel (located under your username menu)
Go to Member Lookup on the left side menu
Find the member you want to block
Click on the pencil icon next to the username
Click on Block User

The next time they reload the page or if they try to log into your community, they will see a message that they have been blocked from your community. Blocked users are free to join other communities but will be blocked from yours until you unblock them.
Please note that we will automatically cancel a blocked user's subscription in most cases so please be sure when performing this action.

The same steps you took to block a user, you can repeat and if a user has been blocked, you should see the Block User option replaced with a Restore User option.
In order to block a member:
Log into your Locals community
Go to the Community Admin panel (located under your username menu)
Go to Member Lookup on the left side menu
Find the member you want to block
Click on the pencil icon next to the username
Click on Block User

What happens after you block a user?
The next time they reload the page or if they try to log into your community, they will see a message that they have been blocked from your community. Blocked users are free to join other communities but will be blocked from yours until you unblock them.
Please note that we will automatically cancel a blocked user's subscription in most cases so please be sure when performing this action.

How do I unblock a user?
The same steps you took to block a user, you can repeat and if a user has been blocked, you should see the Block User option replaced with a Restore User option.
Updated on: 04/05/2020