How do I allow only annual subscriptions?

By default, all communities with a Stripe connected start with the option for Monthly subscriptions. Once your community upgrades to Starter and higher, you have the option to enable Annual subscriptions for your community. Annual subscriptions can be offered with a discount which can entice supporters to pay upfront for a lesser price.

If your community is currently Starter and higher and you would like to start only allowing for annual subscriptions in your community and remove monthly subscriptions as an offering, please contact We will be able to disable monthly subscriptions and allow you to set a standalone price for your annual subscription. Similarly if you want to switch back to offering monthly subscriptions after changing it, please contact us as well. Pricing will revert back to what you set last unless otherwise specified.

Annual subscription only

Note that any supporters who have an existing monthly subscription will continue to keep their monthly subscription. Disabling monthly subscriptions only applies to new subscriptions.

Updated on: 26/09/2023